Women health and internal care

The intimate female areas have their own characteristics, which make their care and hygiene different from other parts of the body. Here are some tips and recommendations that will help you. Use products that contain neutral cleaning agents that do not alter the pH of the genital mucosa and do not cause irritation or dryness. Moderate or avoid the use... Continue Reading →

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Watermelon for weight loss

#Fruits are the important part of balanced diet. Watermelon is a summer fruit that is sweet but doesn’t pack a lot of calories in one serving. It is containing high water that will make you fill and refreshing without any fat or cholesterol. Low calories watermelon is very helpful for losing weight. If you want... Continue Reading →

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Abdomen reduction

#Abdomen_reduction: ✔️ A very popular liposuction method. ✔️Applied on the abdomen of your body. ✔️An effective alternative to physical exercise to remove the belly fat. More details info: http://bit.ly/2NiulXi Website: https://365mcglobal.com/ E-mail: doctor@365mcglobal.com  

Health Benefits of Detox water

    Detox water is very helpful to detox our body. The water with lemon is ideal to drink it on an empty stomach every morning will reinforce your immune system will help eliminate toxins and will keep a beautiful skin. It also helps to lose weight. It improves digestive health. Hydration is important for... Continue Reading →

Breast fat graft

#Breast_fat_graft is a cosmetic surgery done in order to enhance the breast size. To get a rounded breast than before without having to recur to breast implants you can totally trust on #365mc_global. For more details: http://bit.ly/2B1Xl2K  

Health Benefits of Dates

Dates are free from cholesterol, and it contains very little fat. Including a small portion of dates in your daily diet can help you to control cholesterol level, and even assist in weight loss. Adding some dates in your diet also may help to get high protein, iron, and vitamins. It improves bone health. For... Continue Reading →

Health Benefits of Pineapple

The pineapple has antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other health benefits, It also has small amounts of iron. Pineapple can help in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. It also contributes to reducing intestinal inflammation. Pineapple contains 86% water. It is a moisturizing food that in addition to nutrients gives us water. More health... Continue Reading →

4 steps to eliminate emotional dependence

Emotional dependence has a lot to do with the way a person devalues ​​himself/ herself. Likewise, we can not leave aside an almost undeniable fact. We often do it, we confuse love with attachment and sometimes we confine ourselves in bonds lacking in reciprocity, to the point of putting our well-being in other people's pockets, leaving us... Continue Reading →

Health Benefits of Green Tea

There are many reasons why green tea has been part of Asian cultures for some centuries. It is a drink rich in antioxidants and nutrients that benefit the body, being a great support to strengthen the defenses and prevent diseases.  In addition, it is now known that this tea is a great support to lose weight and prevent chronic... Continue Reading →

Aromatische Mangosoße mit Rindfleisch, Saus Mangga Kari Sapi ala Thailand: Makanan Khas Asia (39) — Make it in your life

Mangga adalah salah satu buah yang banyak mengandung vitamin C. Manfaatnya tentu bisa mengurangi kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh. Banyak sekali manfaat yang terdapat dalam mangga sehingga baik untuk dikonsumsi. Selama ini saya menikmati makan mangga sebagai buah atau dijadikan rujak buah. Namun bagaimana jika mangga dijadikan bahan masakan? Sebelumnya di Indonesia, saya pernah mencoba sambal […]... Continue Reading →

Feminine Hygiene Care

  The sexual organs of women are usually the part of our body that requires more hygienic care to preserve health. For this a shower with mild or soft soap is enough that will remove the itching caused by sweat and pubic hair will go away. The rest of the day is enough to dry... Continue Reading →

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